#C10 Server Integration and Data Management

#C10 Server Integration and Data Management


3 min read


This update focuses on integrating a server for data management, enabling the upload of match data and tracking scores. Additionally, it implements end-of-match conditions and a scoreboard display to provide players with comprehensive feedback on their performance.


  • Initialization: Initializes scores from room properties, retrieving attack and defense scores from the server if available.

  • Update Score UI: Updates the UI elements in the match manager to reflect the current scores.

  • Update Score to Room: Updates the server's room properties with the latest scores to synchronize them across all clients.

  • Check Match Over: Determines if the match is over based on the scores, triggering appropriate actions such as loading the next level or displaying a game-over screen.

using Photon.Pun;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

public class ScoreManager : MonoBehaviour
    public MatchManager matchManager;

    public int TeamCount, EnemyCount;

    private const string AttackScoreKey = "AttackScore";
    private const string DefenseScoreKey = "DefenseScore";

    public int attackScore = 0;
    public int defenseScore = 0;

    public PhotonView PV;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        PV = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
        matchManager = FindObjectOfType<MatchManager>();



    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()


    private void InitializeScoresFromRoomProperties()
        if (PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties.TryGetValue(AttackScoreKey, out object attackScoreObj))
            attackScore = (int)attackScoreObj;
            Debug.Log("Attack Score: " + attackScore);

        if (PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties.TryGetValue(DefenseScoreKey, out object defenseScoreObj))
            defenseScore = (int)defenseScoreObj;
            Debug.Log("Defense Score: " + defenseScore);



    public void UpdateScoreUI()

    public void UpdateScoreToRoom()
        if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
            ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable roomProps = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
            roomProps[AttackScoreKey] = attackScore;
            roomProps[DefenseScoreKey] = defenseScore;

            Debug.Log("Updated in room custom properties");



    public void CheckMatchOver()
        if(attackScore >= 1 ||  defenseScore >= 1)
            Debug.Log("Game over");


    public void RPC_LoadLevelForAll()



  • End Timer Start: Initiates the end timer when the match phase ends, determining the winning team and updating scores accordingly.

  • Buy Phase: Manages the buy phase, allowing players to purchase weapons and equipment before the match begins.

  • Match Phase: Controls the match phase, where players engage in combat and attempt to achieve the match objectives.

  • Defuse Phase: Handles the defuse phase, enabling players to defuse planted spikes within a specific time frame.

  • Spectator Mode: Implements functionality for spectating, allowing players to cycle through available cameras for observation.

  • RPCs: Utilizes remote procedure calls (RPCs) to synchronize game state changes across all clients, such as declaring the winning team and updating UI elements.


With the integration of server capabilities for data management and score tracking, players can now participate in matches with enhanced feedback on their performance. The end-of-match conditions provide closure to each game session, while the scoreboard display offers a comprehensive overview of the match outcome. This update brings the multiplayer experience closer to completion, paving the way for further refinement and optimization in future iterations.